Archistart is a new online platform for the promotion of young international architects. A new website where you can discover young designers, find out their skills and abilities, and catch on most talented young professionals on the international architectural stage. A career social networking service with complete professional profiles to gain visibility, search for jobs or recruit the best candidates.
Fiscal info
C.F. 93119310758
Contact address
Via Fra’ Nicolo’ da Lequile 3, LE 73100
What We Do
The new website www.archistart.it is the perfect place for any member of the young architects community who wants to “start to be an architect” – a community that Archistart is seeking to build.
On the new platform you can create a personal or group profile, upload your projects and show your skills. In addition to the projects designed for Archistart contests and workshops, you can share all your personal projects developed during university or in the early years of your professional career.
A job section is also foreseen, where you can be contacted privately by those who have noticed your profile. The new portal perfectly represents the essential and initial mission of Archistart: the enhancement of young architects.

International Architecture Holiday
IAH (International Holiday Architecture) is the format promoted by Archistart for international architecture workshops, intended as learning holidays through which a community of young designers, sharing skills, knowledge, experiences and opportunities, may be built. The great aspects that characterize IAH events are the integration and the cultural exchange between students from different parts of the world, the exploration of the hosting cities, the experimentation of team-working and the spirit of competition. IAH takes place in Lecce in summer, in Rome in winter and in Milan in spring.

Architectural Thesis Award
ATA (Architectural Thesis Award) is the international thesis award launched by Archistart in order to promote, reward and give visibility to talented youngers in architecture.
The award requires the participants to be able to synthesize, in order to communicate incisively the thesis project, summing up their designing experience.
The award includes a money prize and a thesis enhancement program aimed to bring out the best international talent among young architects.

International Competitions
Archistart regularly promotes international architecture contests meant for young students and under 32 architects. The competitions concern themes agreed along institutions, entities or organizations, which Archistart shares a design purpose with.
The participation of young architects from all over the world give to the topic a wide range of different perspectives, visions and solutions.

Self Construction Competition
SSC (Self Construction Competition) is the format promoted by the Archistart for its architectural ideas competitions, aimed at creating installations constructed by participants themselves. SCC winners have the opportunity to realize their design ideas during self-construction workshop sessions, coordinated by Archistart experts. SCC installations created are then scene, background and main features of Archistart workshops sites (International Holiday Architecture).

Archistart is among the winners Funder 35 (www.funder35.it – 2016 edition, promoted by Cariplo foundation and Fondazione Con il Sud. The call is addressed to non-profit organizations, composed of under 35 members mainly and actively involved in cultural, artistic and creative initiatives, and aims to give more stability to the best young cultural enterprises on the national scene.
Archistart won thanks to Grown-up project, having as objective the creation of this online platform and many other develop proposals.
Archistart is among the winners of Rigenerazioni Creative, a competition promoted by the city of Bari that aims to regenerate and turn neglected areas of the city into beautiful public spaces.
Rigenerazioni Creative è un progetto del Comune di Bari finanziato attraverso il fondo PON Città Metropolitane 2014/20 (Asse 4, Azione I.3.1 – ProgettoPOC_BA_I.3.1.e – CUP 92I19000010001)
PATTO PER LA PUGLIA – FSC 2014-2020 Avviso pubblico per presentare iniziative progettuali riguardanti le Attività Culturali esecuzione D.D. n.96 del 13.04.2017 e s.m.i. con la D.D. n. 188/2017.
Progetto “International Architecture Holiday”_CUP: B38J18000720001
Contributo ricevuto con importo a valere sulla Delibera Cipe 26/2016 € 16.040,00 2^ annualità – € 16.040,00 3^ annualità