
by Archistart

ATA2019 – winners

Archistart promoted the third Architectural Thesis Award, the international thesis award, launched with the aim of promoting, rewarding and giving visibility to young talents in architecture.
202 young professionals under 35 of 25 different nationalities took part in the competition with 148 projects.

The jury was composed of Roberto Vangeli Zaha Hadid Architects; Tomas Ghisellini; Barreca & La Varra and two members of the Archistart team, Giacomo Potì and Davide Tartaglia.
We are very glad to announce the ATA2019 winners


Archistart ha promosso il secondo Architectural Thesis Award, il premio tesi internazionale realizzato con l’intento di valorizzare, premiare e dare visibilità a giovani talenti del mondo dell’architettura.
Al concorso hanno partecipato 202 giovani professionisti under 35 di 25 nazionalità differenti con 148 progetti.

La giuria era composta da Roberto Vangelo, di Zaha Hadid Architects; Tomas Ghisellini; Barreca & La Varra e due componenti del team Archistart, Giacomo Potì e Davide Tartaglia.
Siamo lieti di annunciare i vincitori di ATA2019


Name project: Mosul Postwar Camp
Team: EDenSEdoardo Daniele Stuggiu and Stefano Lombardi
Nationality: Italian

Jury’s motivation:
Completeness of the methodological approach, with a proposal that analyzes and solves all the design scales. Clearness of the idea and effectiveness of the communication. The analysis on the topic and the response to the social and environmental problem was particularly appropriated

Motivazione giuria:
Completezza del percorso metodologico, con una proposta che analizza e risolve tutte le scale progettuali. Chiarezza dell’idea ed efficacia della comunicazione. E’ stata particolarmente apprezzata l’analisi sul tema e la risposta alla problematica sociale ed ambientale


Name project: L’imperfezione del limite – Recupero dell’ex area mineraria Ginevro all’Isola d’Elba
Architect: Francesco Tesi
Nationality: Italian

Jury’s motivation:
The project stood out for its quality of composition and representation, showing a remarkable sensitivity towards the environmental context

Motivazione giuria:
Il progetto si è distinto per la qualità compositiva e di rappresentazione, mostrando una notevole sensibilità nei confronti del contesto ambientale


Name project: Floating Canopies: A Humanitarian Approach in Lake Volta, Ghana
Architect: Rafailia Eirini Giannoudi
Nationality: Greek

Jury’s motivation:
The procedural approach was appreciated, as well as the complexity of the proposal, that is consistent with the themes of modularity, flexibility and reversibility indeed. The technological system is clear and eco-sustainable.

Motivazione giuria:
E’ stato apprezzato l’approccio procedurale e l’articolazione della proposta che risulta essere coerente relativamente ai temi della modularità, flessibilità, reversibilità. Il sistema tecnologico risulta chiaro ed ecosostenibile.

Special mention – architectural composition

Name project: Alpine Restaurant in Sankt Moritz – Switzerland
Architect: Marco Lamanna
Nationality: Italian

Special mention – urban planning

Name project: Litus Urbis
ArchitectPaola Elena Maghenzani
Nationality: Italian

Special mention – landscape

Name project: “RETROFITTING: Rimodernare la Città Moderna”
Architect: Rocco Balzamà
Nationality: Italian

Special mention – research and theoretical analysis

Name project: Architecture, Freedom, and Repression. Urban Center for social teen reinsertion. Lima
Architect: Diego Armando Gonzales Guerrero
Nationality: Peruvian

Special mention – rehabilitation/conservation

Name project: Structures for Incidents in nature – Chachapoyas Peri-Urban Park
Architect: Nájat Jishar Fernández Díaz
Nationality: Peruvian

Social prize – 1st place

Name project: MIAMI2025_UNIVERSITY TOWN | Espansione dell’Università di Miami nel centro urbano di Coral Gables
Architect: Alessandro Colace
Nationality: Italian
Likes: 717

Social prize – 2nd place

Name project: The Dream of Abha – Architettura tra natura e artificio nella città turistica di Abha (Arabia Saudita)
Architects: 8BIT – Giuseppe Morreale, Rosario Giardina, Rosario Luca Palumbo
Nationality: Italian
Likes: 588

Social prize – 3rd place

Name project: Connessioni, antri e risalite nell’area archeologica di Segesta
Architect: Anna Rita Gambino
Nationality: Italian
Likes: 160
