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An Net-Zero Airport on an Artificial Island –


Current Dalian International Airport has been expanded four times and reached its capacity in 2016. Because of the growth of metropolis on the land, the government has no choice but to build an artificial island in Jinzhou Bay, Bohai Sea, Northeast of China. it is imperative to focus on sustainability perspective for an architecture project, especially for a project in such an area that has a plenty of opportunities to be sustainable. This thesis will conduct researches on both tidal power energy and artificial island airport first and will develop a design base on the knowledge I learn from the researched I did.

Beyond the service and environment provided in airport terminal which directly improves the efficiency and the performance of the building, or benefits the environment, how does and public facilities influence and educate the building users is what I intend to address on. In the terminal, there are three educational spots: fountain column, the bridges, and tidal power lobby. Fountain Column Shown in this picture, the height of the water in each column indicates the height of the water level in the reservoirs respectively. The building users could understand which side of the reservoir has the higher production. Therefore, they know which bridge they can see the tidal energy production.

Tidal Power Education Lobby is the primary educational spot in the airport terminal. As introduced previously, the passengers coming by subway must pass through this area. And also, the vertical circulation is provided, the passenger can reach to this area directly from each level, the tidal power turbine is exposed to the audience behind the acrylic wall. In this education lobby, by using the transparent holographic film, there will be an educational video project on the acrylic glass on schedule. The educational video will briefly explain the design of the terminal; introduce how to interact with the building, and explain how does the tidal power work. The seating platform is provided in front of the acrylic glass, which creates a theater for the user to watch the educational video.

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An Net-Zero Airport on an Artificial Island – Board
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