In Cambridge University, A building entirely made of wooden beams and columns started deteriorating after 150 years of its construction. A young fellow discovered that a large number of oak trees were planted by the same architect who designed the building, for they can be used for repairs. This simple anecdote inspires us to rethink about what we are designing as an architect.
How we approach towards a design can be abridged into three stages.First we analyze the site by extracting information from the user’s insight, then create a shared vision from the learning and finally start turning the vision into a reality where construction, demolition, implementation happens.

After all these, adaptation is inducted by the users where unfamiliar changes can be noticed and it became inevitable to redo the similar actions again. According to architect Stephanie Akkaoui, these phases should be done repetitively until the building is acclimatized new situations.To continue the never-ending circular way of designing, evermore an observer is necessary.The Idea was to incorporate artificial intelligence as a building brain, so that the building itself can accumulate and categorize all the information it gathered and transform to effective solutions respecting those outflows. The marketplace of Gulshan- 1 in Dhaka, Bangladesh undergoes a number of remarkable changes for the diversified instability of the city and also for the alteration of consumer’s insights with times. Aren’t we as architects are imprisoning human activity by bricks, mortar, paves and covers? Design promotes not to define what interaction should be done rather confer opportunity where thousands of interactions can be rendered. The whole design process is summarized into three distinct phases, while the design may shift to any to sustain. In Archean stage designed self-sustaining cubes will start roaming around the existing and designed contexts, thus occupants would constitute functional zones in a spontaneous way.This can be exemplified by the agglomeration of stores of perfumes, caps, and Punjabi only in front of a mosque.

Stores of sports utilities may swarm around the skateboarding area.The central plaza can accommodate any public-hub or occasion, thus food-courts would start gathering to facilitate. After the formation of functional zones,in Augmenting stage the horizontal expansion will be necessitated respecting occupants demand. A.I will start expanding considering all the parameters bestowed to ensure better spatial and architectural quality.Design confirms a two-way process where occupants responses got a higher preference than the verdicts of artificial intelligence.While occupants believe that, A.I is performing only for the welfare of it's users and also reacting against all the actions that are rendered,an impulsive emotion occurs in between the building and the occupants.Here establish the individuality of a lifeless structure indirectly. In Apex stage cubes will start growing vertically with a contingent growth of function respecting new given parameters. Design provides an ignition of how a futuristic store would look like to promote shopping as a wonderful experience, showing an integrated compact system framed by advanced technology to lessen the frictions we face while shopping. ‘Building says-HI’ is neither a project nor a hypothesis. It confesses the dream of a new era when the body in whom you are living within is your untransfigured friend.Here we are at the outset of an inarticulate dynamic future where the building is unostentatiously welcoming us saying ‘HI’.

The Board: