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Working from home is a revolution in our habits. We are used to separate our work life from our private life as much as we can; wake up, have breakfast, GO OUT to work. And we have behaved like this for centuries, maybe more!
That’s why modifying our homes it’s not enough. We have to RETHINK them completely.

In our project there is no living room, no sleeping room, no dining room and even the bathroom falls apart.The goal is to create a new space that distances itself from the routine and habits of the home/work dichotomy. Generate new habits and new ways of living space. We have created two spaces divided by a filter: The Dynamic space and The Slow down space. The first one is the space where the technology units are installed. It is a space that can transform its self from a work station to a welcoming dining room. The second one is the space of relax, of nature. It is the space where you can find your balance. It is a free space with no obstacle nor barriers.

The Filter that divides the two spaces can have different configurations. Full open: it connects the two spaces creating a balance between material and spiritual needs. Full closed: it allows the user to focus only on the main need in that precise moment. It can also work in any different position between full open e full closed, based on the special needs of the moment. We create a tech box positioned in the Dynamic space, that contains all the devices useful in any smart working station. When the day work it is finished all the devices are hidden in this box.

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Davide Gambini & Luca Leomanni

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