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School of ecological reserve


The school focuses on gifted children and should be the base which forms a new generation with ecological healthy thinking. As adults, they will succeed in their chosen profession and will follow the principles of sustainable development. These children have to spend a lot of emotional and mental resources so sometimes they look sickly. To solve this problem new elements have been introduced a natural component: orangery, fruit garden, animal farm, green farm, each of them is a center of educational blocks and has an outside research natural area. Each child is responsible for his sector. The execution of tasks on them helps to better understand the mechanisms of nature to interact with each other and at the same time to develop physically.

Healthy talented young child - the basis of future sustainable living. It is important to create a healthy lifestyle and a vector of thinking. The nature of the decisions in the future depends on it. The main things to ensure this: -The garden in the public space of the dorm, where the children grow vegetables, and then learn to cook them in the training kitchen, learning the composition of vitamins and its effects on the organism. -inside and outside Testing area for mechanical inventions, modeling water, earth, fire and air -Small farms of animals, allow you to feel responsible for someone else's life and educate humanity and diligence. -A large amount of time that a child spends outside in the summer and winter, strengthens the immunity, compensated the city's deficit of nature. -A clear demonstration of resource recycling, use locally grown plants for animals and animal waste for plants. Recovery research functions of the territory In the 18th century on the territory of the design the scientific Botanical garden of Imperial University was located. From historic buildings brick building of orangery was saved which has a unique species of tropical plants, but they lack the height of the building. Tropical plants are moving into a new orangery, often illuminated surface made of uviol glass. Thanks to school scientific function is returned to the territory, the old building fits into the interior of the new building, students can touch the history.

The object is located on the riverside of Kaban lake. The lake has fish, ducks and gulls. The condition of the water in the pond is assessed as "unsatisfactory".Poor condition formed due to the harmful substances coming with sewage. In the project on the riverside of the lake hydrobotany platform is located. With the help of plants and algae, water and soil are cleaned of contaminants from the wastewater. Children can walk among them and see the cleaning process. On the right side of lake is situated the high school which is divided into specialized areas: science-researching zone, natural history classes and art space. Science-researching zone includes a volume atrium adapted for crane and manipulator; large space is separated for sections and can be easily transformed by students; organized different compartments including water and sand for testing in miniature ; on the third floor there is an observatory. It’s built a small pavilion with aquaponics walls near the lake and young students also can test invented technique on the small helipad or boat station. In the natural history unit, through the glass, students can see a library lounge with a forum at the bottom which is in its turn located in Greenhouse; through the windows in the walls of the hall, are seen growing vegetable cultures. On the left side of the lake there is a student’s residence and junior school. A special feature is the presence of a primary school greenhouses and rooms with access to the courtyard.

The Board:
School of ecological reserve Board


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