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Artem Zavialov
Projects views 616
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About Me
My name is Artem Zavyalov, I’m 22 and I’m from Moscow Russia. Briefly about my specialty choice: it started from my childhood. I was born and grew up in an architectural family filled with a creative atmosphere. My grandmother dedicated her life to protecting(maintaining) and securing the historical and architectural heritage of the country, and my father being an urban-planner used to work with modern architecture and nowadays is continuing my grandmothers’ work protecting architectural heritage in the cities throughout Russia. I watched how my parents worked and, perhaps, a child's curiosity and desire to understand the reason why despite the hard work, my parents devoted themselves to architecture, prompted me to begin my professional career and enter an architectural college. During the College period, I took part in several architectural festivals: - The XXV International Festival of Architecture "Zodchestvo 2017", where my diploma project was estimated by the Union of Architects of Russia as a high-quality work; - IV All-Russian festival “Urban space: a view of future urban-planners, where I got 2nd place for my graduation project; - In my last semester I took part in the “Worldskills Russia” competition where I competed with Young professionals from architectural colleges of Moscow, and my team took 1st place. After graduating from college, I decided to leave for Germany, but not as a student, but as an intern and volunteer in an architectural bureau. The program that I’m participating in is dedicated to the "preservation of historical heritage monuments” and lasts 1 year. From this moment the story of my adult life begins. At the bureau, I take part in various projects. Mostly I work in the restoration department. Sometimes dealing with projects related to new architecture of both housing and zoos throughout Germany. Also, I take part as a volunteer in seminars on the restoration of various objects in German cities. The work in Germany as a volunteer-intern "has" enriched my mind and perception of the world. Communication with various people in a different language and with a completely different mentality positively influenced on my self-development and improved my ability to think as an ordinary person and at the same time as an architect.