

PATTO PER LA PUGLIA – FSC 2014-2020 Avviso pubblico per presentare iniziative progettuali riguardanti le Attività Culturali esecuzione D.D. n.96 del 13.04.2017 e s.m.i. con la D.D. n. 188/2017.
Progetto “International Architecture Holiday”_CUP: B38J18000720001
Contributo ricevuto con importo a valere sulla Delibera Cipe 26/2016 € 16.040,00 2^ annualità – € 16.040,00 3^ annualità

International architecture, urban regeneration and design festival

International Architecture Holiday 2018 is the fifth edition of the architecture and urban regeneration international festival promoted by Archistart.
The festival has experimented with a new model for the fruition of an urban waterfront with micro-architecture interventions, with the aim to analyze models and possible solutions to activate underused urban spaces.
One hundred young architects, designers, international graphic designers, led by tutors and partner firms, have lived an experience of network and interaction with the territory.
IAHsummer2018 festival was held from 1 to 7 August in San Cataldo and Lecce.
The festival was divided into 3 workshops: self-construction, architectural design, communication.

Self-construction workshop

The self-construction workshop focused on the construction of installations for the regeneration of San Cataldo’s waterfront, in Lecce. The installations were built in the area in front of Ostello del Sole to experiment an alternative use of the promenade.

ONDEsea > 10 self-construction workshop participants built INCONTRARSEA, the winning project of IAHspecialEdition, a three-day workshop in Milan.
Sitting on > 10 self-construction workshop participants built the winner project of the Self-Construction Competition. The multi-functional structure aims to connect the street to the sea whilst integrating the existing infrastructure and various groups of people within a dynamic synthesis between regenerative architecture and a coastal identity.
ECO-STATION  > 10 self-construction workshop participants built an experimental installation to rethink the visual and functional identity of the public transportation stop on the seafront of San Cataldo. The design proposes to hack the existing structure overlapping to it a new lighter one enhancing its functions with the addition of a new bench, a small bicycle rack and a temporary surf boards rack.

ONDEsea team
ONDEsea team
Sitting on - detail
Sitting on
Eco-station team at work

Architectural design workshop

The architectural design workshop participants studied the design topics identified by Lecce’s coastal areas regeneration program. The architectural design workshop consisted of an initial concept phase, followed by a phase of detailed design and production of technical drawings.
All projects > here <

Effimero lab

EFFIMERO > 12 self-construction workshop participants split into 2 groups,  designed lighting modules inspired by luminarie (lighting installations typical of southern Italy)

Communication and Exhibition workshop

Deconstruction the communication > the communication workshop participants designed the visual identity of the IAHsummer2018 festival, imagining an inclusive digital and paper narrative that will transform the sea promenade. Their work interacted with the exhibits and installations produced by the self-construction and architectural design workshops. The designed communication included panels, captions, flyers, signs etc. produced with different techniques, both digital and manual.
EXHIBITION > the exhibition workshop participants designed and built the exhibition elements for 7th August 2018 final event.

Faces and Activities

project supported and
co-financed by
Under the patronage of
Media Partner


Eco-station, ,
avatarby IAHsummer2018 - Eco-station
0 2015 Team Work
Sitting on, ,
avatarby IAHsummer2018 - Sitting on
0 1981 Team Work
ONDEsea, ,
avatarby IAHsummer2018 - ONDEsea
0 2187 Team Work
Splinted lumen,
avatarby IAHsummer2018 - Effimero 2
0 1506 Team Work
Sparkling sea,
avatarby IAHsummer2018 - Effimero 1
1 1687 Team Work
leaf the beach,
avatarby IAHsummer2018 - live the beach 2
0 1862 Team Work
avatarby IAHsummer2018 - live the beach 1
0 2151 Team Work
in-natural water, ,
avatarby IAHsummer2018 - live the water
0 2002 Team Work
sea through,
avatarby IAHsummer2018 - live the public space
1 1769 Team Work