

PATTO PER LA PUGLIA – FSC 2014-2020 Avviso pubblico per presentare iniziative progettuali riguardanti le Attività Culturali esecuzione D.D. n.96 del 13.04.2017 e s.m.i. con la D.D. n. 188/2017.
Progetto “International Architecture Holiday”_CUP: B38J18000720001
Contributo ricevuto con importo a valere sulla Delibera Cipe 26/2016 € 16.040,00 2^ annualità – € 16.040,00 3^ annualità

International urban regeneration festival

IAHsummer2019 is the sixth edition of the architecture and urban regeneration international festival promoted by Archistart.
The festival has experimented with a new model for the fruition of an urban waterfront with micro-architecture interventions, with the aim to analyze models and possible solutions to activate underused urban spaces.
Young architects, designers, international graphic designers, led by tutors and partner firms, have lived an experience of network and interaction with the territory.
IAHsummer2019 festival was held from 1 to 7 August in San Cataldo and Lecce.
The festival was divided into 3 workshops: self-construction, architectural design, graphic design workshop.

Self-construction workshop

The self-construction workshop focused on the construction of installations for the regeneration of San Cataldo’s waterfront, in Lecce. In 2019 edition 3 installations will be realized, designed for three symbolic places of the urban waterfront:

Vai Oltre  (the beach) is the winning project of the Self Construction Competition promoted by Archistart SCC2019 and realized during the IAHsummer2019 Festival, and won by Julian Sillem. The beach lab was coordinated by Archistart Studio and Francesco Convertini.
LUMIA (the pier) installation investigated its relationship with the water and the sea, and the use of the pier as a natural extension of the public spaces of the waterfront. The pier project will be designed and coordinated by Grriz with Roberto Ubaldi
GRID[ ] (the waterfront) installation aimed to activate urban regeneration practices through a virtuous use of light as a means of activation and enhancement of public spaces. The developed project had to dialogue with the space, the community and the events that took place on the seafront. The installation was designed and coordinated by Archistart Studio, with the support of team member Tommaso Santoro Cayro (recently Lumen Social Light project manager for Matera 2019), the contribution of the historic Fratelli Parisi Luminarie company and the support of the graphics workshop “where are you from”

IAHsummer19 - Vai Oltre
VAI OLTRE - IAHsummer19 - by Julian SIllem
LUMIA - IAHsummer2019 - by GRRIZ
LUMIA - IAHsummer2019 - by GRRIZ
GRID_[] - IAHsummer19 - by Archistart Studio
GRID_[] - IAHsummer19 - by Archistart Studio

Architectural design workshop

The architectural design workshop focused on the regeneration of San Cataldo ‘Ostello del Sole’ hostel: turned it into a community hub near the sea, as a community lighthouse and a space for cultural and recreational activities, as the capital of the entire urban regeneration process of the coast.

↓ all the projects at the bottom ↓

architectural design workshop
architectural design workshop
architectural design facebook

Graphic design workshop

The workshop “Where are you from?” developed the visual identity of the IAHsummer2019 festival starting from its own identity features and those of the host territory, the city of San Cataldo, Lecce.
The graphic design workshop participants analyzed and de-structured some of the graphic elements typical of the flags of their native countries, combining them with iconographic elements typical of San Cataldo.

graphic design workshop
graphic design workshop
under the patronage of and co-financed by
under the patronage of
project co-financed by
matera 2019

Projects and installations

IAHsummer2019 - connectiflowConnectiflow, ,
avatarby IAHsummer2019 - TEAM 3
0 1191 Team Work
Wooden Ellipse, ,
avatarby IAHsummer2019 - TEAM 2
0 1185 Team Work
connecTRIvity, ,
avatarby IAHsummer2019 - TEAM 4
1 1203 Team Work
GRID[ ], ,
avatarby IAHsummer2019 - GRID[ ]
1 1223 Team Work
Lumia, ,
avatarby IAHsummer2019 - Lumia
0 1582 Team Work
Vai Oltre, ,
avatarby IAHsummer2019 - Vai Oltre
1 1206 Team Work
The net, ,
avatarby IAHsummer2019 – TEAM 8
1 1221 Team Work
Orange crush, ,
avatarby IAHsummer2019 - TEAM 7
0 1233 Team Work
One plus zero, ,
avatarby IAHsummer2019 - TEAM 6
0 1056 Team Work
Playground, ,
avatarby IAHsummer2019 - TEAM 5
0 1064 Team Work
Follow the line, ,
avatarby IAHsummer2019 - TEAM 1
0 1341 Team Work